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What Should Good Website Design Include ?

You may be asking yourself the same question, Why do I need to focus on my website if my social media is giving me positive results? 

While social media is indeed a powerful tool to enable you to reach and engage with your audience better, a website will serve a different purpose and can provide more benefits to your business. 

1. Branding 

A website is a fantastic tool for managing the messaging and image of your brand. The style of your brand can be reflected in the design of your website, making it simple for customers to recognise your company.

2. Analytics 

With the use of a website you are able to collect and analyse information about your visitors. Which will enable you to make better decisions about your marketing approach and to improve the user experience. This will result in a better experience for your customers

3. Ownership 

Algorithm Changes , Shadow bans and account breaches can affect your social media accounts and changes such as policies can affect how social media channels will distribute your content. Having your own website means you have control over your online presence and the ability to keep your content and data safe.

4. Credibility  

A website will provide a professional and credible outlook for your businesses online presence. It can showcase your products and services while providing detailed information about your business

5. Lead Generation

A website will provide a professional and credible outlook for your business’s online presence. It can showcase your products and services while providing detailed information about your business

6. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

A website allows you to optimise your content for search engines, which can help improve your visibility on search engine results pages. This can help bring in more organic traffic to your site


In conclusion, social media  can be a fantastic tool for increasing website traffic and promoting your brand, but it shouldn’t be your company’s only online presence. A website is an important resource that may build your brand, bring in leads and money, and give your clients a more thorough online experience.

At Avoplus we have tailored packages and services to assist in the creation of your website from start to finish. Moreover, our service includes a peace of mind assurance, is if the technology changes or if the website does not function as intended,  we fix it at No charge.

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